Monday, September 11, 2006

Matthew. Winnipeg. MCS.

So here I am in Vancouver. I feel like I need to write some profound blog about the metaphysics of significant change. So I haven't blogged for a long while, waiting for divine revelation or something. I still haven't been struck by lightning so I figured I should just blog and get it out of the way and let life continue as usual.
This past week has been full of introductions. The repetition of three questions:
"What is you name?"
"Where are you from?"
"What program are you in?"
No one actually listening or really caring, but needing to say something and desperately trying to make a good first impression. I hate it. But I guess we have to do it. How else do you insert yourself into a new society of people? You ask and answer the superficial questions just to make contact of some kind. The meaningful meetings will come eventually. For now we make do.

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