Monday, September 18, 2006

As per Mel's Request (see comment on previous post): Some Observations of Bus Riders in Vancouver (none of them good)

Vancouver busriders need to have a lesson on proper bus etiquette. The phrase, "please, move to the back of the bus," doesn't seem to make sense to them. They just look around, look back at the vast empty space between them and the back of the bus, then ahead at the crowd of people trying to squish their way on, then shrug and continue not moving to the back of the bus. What then happens is that buses 'fill up' rather quickly. And so for me, trying to catch the bus toward the end of the route, there is never any room in the buses. Of course there would be if people knew how to properly load a bus. And so I stand at the stop along with a host of other patient persons, and watch as bus after bus after bus flies by unable to pick us up. Needless to say, that gets rather frustrating after a while.
On a brighter note, the seats in Vancouver buses are much more comfy than Winnipeg buses. The bus seats here actually have cushions on them, nice thick ones. I could ride the bus for hours, if I could ever get on one...


Melanie said...

haha thank you! that was enjoyable~

Anonymous said...

ahh, yes... i remember those buses...